The Schönleber family
We, the Schönleber family, are the people behind Emrich-Schönleber wines. We work together with the aim of meeting and, wherever possible, exceeding the high standards expected of our wines each and every year.
It goes without saying that our intensive, meticulous approach begins in the vineyard. With more than 40 years of professional experience, Werner Schönleber ensures that our vines are nurtured in the best way possible. He has a keen instinct for when and how best to carry out the tasks that are necessary. This is important, because every year brings new challenges. There is no one recipe for success.
Frank Schönleber is also a frequent presence in the vineyard during the growing season. However, his attention switches to the cellar once picking gets underway. It is there that he follows each wine attentively from the vine to bottle. Frank Schönleber has an innate understanding of his wines – because they are part of his daily life.
Above all, it is Hanne Schönleber who takes care of our customers. She knows our clientele and their needs better than anyone.
Anja Schönleber assists her mother-in-law in the winery office. Other than that, she performs the family's most important duty – of being a parent. Daughter Amelie has already taken a liking to grapes.

Hanne Schönleber
sales, customer service

Werner Schönleber
vineyard manager

Frank Schönleber
owner and winemaker

Anja Schönleber